Galicia Asset Management S.A.U established in 1958, is a pioneer in the mutual fund business.
The company manages FIMA mutual funds, designed to meet the needs of various client segments (institutional investors, companies and individuals).
Conoce la familia de fondos Fima y sus caracteristicas. Desde aqui podes consultar la informacion disponible que te permitira realizar un completo analisis de los productos.
Conoce los fondos comunes de inversion FIMAA través de su amplia red de sucursales y centros de atención al cliente, el Banco Galicia actuando como Sociedad Depositaria de los fondos Fima pone a tu disposicion un amplio grupo de oficiales idóneos en fondos comunes de inversión que responderán tus consultas.
Conocé la nómina de oficiales idóneos> A través de los oficiales de Banco Galicia
> Sección aprendé sobre Fondos
For the purposes of the Financial Institutions Law, investments in fund shares do not constitute deposits in Banco Galicia nor do they have any of the guarantees that such time or demand deposits may enjoy by virtue of the applicable laws and regulations in Deposits in financial institutions matters. Moreover, Banco Galicia is not authorized by the Argentine Central Bank rules to assume, tacitly or expressly, any commitment regarding the maintenance, at any time, of the value of the invested capital, the yield, the redemption value of shares or the granting of liquidity for this purpose. “AA PIC FCI” stands for “Agente de Administración de Productos de Inversión Colectiva de Fondos Comunes de Inversión” (Managing Agent of Mutual Funds Collective Investment Products). “AC PIC FCI” stands for “Agente de Custodia de Productos de Inversión Colectiva de Fondos Comunes de Inversión” (Escrow Agent of Mutual Funds Collective Investment Products).
For the purposes of the Financial Institutions Law, investments in fund shares do not constitute deposits in Banco Galicia nor do they have any of the guarantees that such time or demand deposits may enjoy by virtue of the applicable laws and regulations in Deposits in financial institutions matters. Moreover, Banco Galicia is not authorized by the Argentine Central Bank rules to assume, tacitly or expressly, any commitment regarding the maintenance, at any time, of the value of the invested capital, the yield, the redemption value of shares or the granting of liquidity for this purpose. “AA PIC FCI” stands for “Agente de Administración de Productos de Inversión Colectiva de Fondos Comunes de Inversión” (Managing Agent of Mutual Funds Collective Investment Products). “AC PIC FCI” stands for “Agente de Custodia de Productos de Inversión Colectiva de Fondos Comunes de Inversión” (Escrow Agent of Mutual Funds Collective Investment Products).